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UPPCC News & Announcements



Lexington, KY –  26th April 2022 - To formalize their commitment to work together to ensure the continued growth, development and global recognition of the Certified Public Procurement Officer® and Certified Professional Public Buyer® certification programs, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) has been signed between Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC) and The Procurement Office (TPO).

With the signing of the MOU, TPO has become an official UPPCC Partner. The UPPCC Partner program was established to build a communication network between professional membership organizations and the UPPCC. It provides UPPCC with a broader audience in which to communicate the value of the professional certifications it offers and provides the UPPCC Partner with an active voice for their participants in the development of the CPPO and CPPB certifications.

In recognition of the collaborative partnership, UPPCC is extending discounted rates for certification and recertification to those who register for TPO’s new Foundations in Public Procurement Certificate.

TPO’s General Counsel and Managing Director, Paul Emanuelli, said, “TPO shares a common vision with UPPCC in providing procurement professionals around the world with standard-setting training and certification. This MOU is a formalization of those common goals in support of the procurement profession.”

Kathleen Muretti, CPPO, CPPB, CPCP, Chair of the UPPCC Board said, “Our vision is to be the global, premier, independent resource in public procurement. We are very excited to partner with TPO to help us drive our vision for excellence in the global public procurement profession.”

UPPCC values and invites open collaboration from across the profession in the development of UPPCC certifications and hopes that more organizations will consider becoming a UPPCC Partner. For more information, please visit the UPPCC Partner page on the UPPCC website.


The Universal Public Procurement Certification Council (UPPCC) is an independent entity formed to govern and administer the Certified Public Procurement Officer (CPPO) and Certified Professional Public Buyer (CPPB) certification programs. The CPPO and CPPB programs are highly regarded and respected among procurement professionals and employers involved in the public sector. To date, the UPPCC has certified well over 14,000 professionals primarily within the US and Canada as well as in other nations around the globe.

About TPO

The Procurement Office (TPO) has a long track record of developing and delivering standard-setting training to public procurement professionals and in collaborating with industry-leading training organizations.



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