CPPO/CPPB – Active/Non-Lapsed

A CPPO or CPPB certification that is within the designated 5-year certified period. The certification is not lapsed, expired or retired.

  • Overview
    Recertification is required every 5 years for all CPPOs and CPPBs in order to maintain certification. The recertification is due before the expiration date for the certification to avoid additional contact hours and fees required to recertify under lapsed status.

  • Eligibility Requirements

    A minimum of 45 contact hours is required for active/non-lapsed recertifications. Contact hours can be earned in the following areas:


    Employment experience in public procurement – maximum of 5 contact hours

    Continuing education and professional development – unlimited contact hours


    Professional contribution in procurement – maximum of 20 contact hours


  • Application Process
    • Access the My Application for Recertification option from the MyUPPCC Dashboard.
    • Select the CPPO or CPPB application for Recertification.
    • Log your professional development activities, continued procurement experience, professional contribution activities and upload supporting documentation.
    • Submit your completed application with required fee well before the expiration date for your active certification(s).
    • Await notification via your MyUPPCC Account of application approval.
    • Display your CPPO and/or CPPB proudly!

  • Recertification Application Fee

    $280 Discounted Rate*
    $330 Standard Rate

    *Discount rates apply to all UPPCC Partner members. Click here for more on becoming a UPPCC Partner.

  • FAQs
    An application for recertification is due every 5 years to maintain an active status and to prevent additional contact hours and fees required if the certification lapses. Recertification is due before the end of the current 5-year certification period or the expiration date of your certified status. The expiration date is printed on the paper certificate and is also accessible from your MyUPPCC account or without login using the publicly available certification directory on the UPPCC website.
    UPPCC sends notifications to all certified individuals with valid email addresses advising them of their approaching recertification date as a courtesy. These reminders may not be received due to security firewalls, spam filters or invalid addresses. Certificants should maintain accurate contact information in their MyUPPCC account to increase the likelihood of recieving these reminders. However, it is ultimately the responsibility of the certified individual to initiate and complete the recertification process.

    UPPCC advises certificants to begin the recertification process as soon as possible and log activities regularly via the MyUPPCC account. This will allow the certificant to easily track their progress towards meeting the recertification requirements.

    The application for recertification is available to complete and submit online through your MyUPPCC account. Through your MyUPPCC account, certificants can log activities and upload documentation in real time and submit the application whenever the minimum requirements are met.

    No, early recertification will not alter the certification period. For example, if an individual is due to recertify by May 15, 2020, but completes the recertification process on December 1, 2019, any activities the individual completes between December 1, 2019 and May 15, 2020 could not be counted toward the next recertification. Contact hours for the next recertification could only be earned for activities completed between the start and end date of the new 5-year certification period (May 16, 2020 - May 15, 2025), regardless of the date the last recertification application was submitted.

    Individuals who have earned both UPPCC certifications may combine the two recertifications into one, simplified process and at a reduced cost. Both certifications must be active/non-lapsed to be eligible. See Dual Certification for further details.

    No, ongoing employment within public sector procurement is not a requirement to recertify; however, certificants may earn and apply credit for continued employment in a public sector procurement position towards recertification. Certificants may earn 1 contact hour for each year of public procurement employment within their 5-year certification period. Employment time less than 1 year will be pro-rated at a rate of 0.83 contact hour for each month employed during the 5-year period..

    No, only ongoing procurement experience in the public sector can earn contact hours towards recertification. Private, part-time, and consultant experience is excluded.

    Yes, you may include any and all activities (including experience) from the date that your certification entered lapsed status through until the application is submitted.
    Certificants who have both active/non-lapsed CPPO and CPPB certificates need to apply for the first time using the Dual First-Time Recertification application and submit the application fee. The system will find the recertification expiration date closest to the date of submission and use that date to combine the expiration date for both certificates. For example, if the CPPB expiration date is 12/31/2021, the CPPO expiration date is 12/31/2022, and the application for Dual Certification is submitted 12/20/2021, then the new expiration date for both certifications would become 12/31/2026.
    Both certifications must be active/non-lapsed to be eligible for Dual Certification status at your next recertification. If one of your two certifications is in a lapsed status, you will need to first bring the lapsed certification back to current by completing a lapsed recertification application for the certification that has lapsed. Once both certifications are active/non-lapsed, you will be able to apply as Dual First-Time with your next recertification.

Exam Schedule

All UPPCC certification examinations are administered via computer at a Prometric testing center. Examinations will be delivered daily, Sunday through Saturday at a time and location selected by the candidate. Beginning with the 2025 exam year, Spring examinations will be administered on May 1st – 15th and Fall exams will be administered on October 17th – 31st each year. Candidate exam results will be posted approximately eight (8) weeks following the close of the exam window. Please see the schedule below for exam deadlines.

 Spring 2025 ExaminationsFall 2025 Examinations
Exam Application Window OpensNov 8, 2024July 14, 2025
Application Submission DeadlineMarch 18, 2025August 25, 2025
Application Submission Late DeadlineWaivedSept 8, 2025
Approved Candidates Schedule Exam ByMarch 31, 2025Sept 22, 2025
Exam DatesMay 1-15Oct 17 – 31